Apply for the Arts For Illinois Relief Fund 


by Stella Brown

Apply for the Arts For Illinois Relief Fund, It’ easy!

I just applied for funding and this is beyond easy. I highly recommend anyone who is a “practicing artist” fill this out ASAP. They are only reviewing for eligibility- not quality, content, or financial need. It’s two very short statements on art and how COVID has affected you and 3 examples of recent work. Go do it now!

Applications for one-time emergency artist grants have opened today to eligible Illinois artists. 3Arts is working with the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund (AIRF), a partnership between the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and private donors, to provide this funding. This is a one time $1500 unrestricted grant open to practicing artists from all disciplines (performing, visual, literary, education). To be eligible you must be living in Illinois, and present proof of address with a state ID or piece of mail, and be experiencing financial loss or hardship due to COVID-19. Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations of any size may also apply for relief through the Arts Work Fund for grants between $6,000 and $30,000.

Apply here:


QOVID Operations


Life Before (No.2): After Image