The Quarantine Times Book is Coming!
The Quarantine Times Book is coming! Get a pre-order copy by becoming a member of Public Media Institute.

Moment for Life: WE, Yollocalli
My last day of school was May 20, and all that was left to do was wait to hear if Yollocalli was going to continue in the summer or not. Thankfully, that was not the case.
When programming started in the summer, we were blessed with the generosity of Yollocalli, which provided us with all the audio nerd tech imaginable: headphones, mic stand, fancy mic, juicy cables, and wait for it… CHIPS! NPR IS QUAKINGGGG!

COVID Reviews: Sonja Thomsen, Kirsten Leenaars, Olivia Petrides, Carrie Scanga and Emily Rapp Black, Sarah Krepp, Janelle Rebel
This summer, art critic Lori Waxman writes reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID Reviews: William Chan, Erika Nelson, Michael Aaron Lee, Carlos Salazar-Lermont
Weekly this summer, art critic Lori Waxman writes reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the seventh week.

RELEASE: Hacia La Luz
A year that has forced us to step into our light and where evil keeps falling more into the darkness. Like with many humans across the world, quarantine enforcements provided me with the space to go further within to transmute that darkness into light. Before COVID-19 hit, I was entrapped and about to tie the knot. An engagement that was built upon trauma bonds and codependency. ‘Please don’t ever leave me’ is not a form of saying ‘I love you.’

“What Are You?” —Identity Surveillance: An American Obsession
“What are you?”
This question may seem so simple, yet, it always demands a different response from me. It’s exhausting, although I wouldn’t say that is because race is a sensitive topic for me, as it may very legitimately be to others. It’s much more a matter of having too many unsuccessful interactions. This is about questioning how we’ve allowed our differences to define us to the extent of being tokenized for them. It’s our diversity being unjustly marketed, our struggles being glorified, and our individual characteristics being narrowed down to a race category that doesn’t even describe who we really are.

COVID Reviews: Leah Mayers, Janny Taylor, Marina and Cecília Resende Santos, Michelle Handelman, Autumn Ahn, Anne Labovitz, Reid Silvern
Weekly this summer, art critic Lori Waxman writes reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the sixth week.

B/V-anishing us from the core of Little Village
Little Village Plaza is a business center where more than a hundred vendors sell goods and services to the residents of the neighborhood and visitors. Many people cherish good memories from the plaza; including me: my first birthday cake came from the LaBaguette Bakery, which is located in the plaza to this day. With the “development” of Little Village Plaza, the livelihoods and memories of many residents will be wiped away by a systematic progress that was neither truly needed nor wanted by La Villita. To stop the displacement of the vendors in Little Village Plaza, they will hold a community meeting on August 5th, 2020 at the parking lot of the Discount Mall.

COVID Reviews: Christalena Hughmanick, Cassie Tompkins, Selina Trepp, Tin Wai Wong, Brandon Sward, Perennial Space
This summer, art critic Lori Waxman writes weekly reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the fifth week.

Duelo (s.) / The Spanish translation for a cultural grief
The one feeling that everyone who has lost someone during the pandemic have in common is grief. Whether the loss was a result of the COVID-19 disease or not, the feeling is the same. Somehow, along with grief, many feel alone. My family wanted to have a novenario for both family members, but we understood the fact we could not gather. Instead, the rosarios were held over Zoom calls. When we could not physically be with each other, praying together, albeit through an app, was better than nothing.

Quarantine Comics Day 103 - 108
Quarantine Day 103-108 in the life of artist Grant Reynolds.

COVID Reviews: Ana Prvacki, April Gertler, MoBella Russo, Suzanne McClelland, Yi Hsuan Lai, Erik Ruin

Quarantine Comics Day 98 - 102
Quarantine Day 98-103 in the life of artist Grant Reynolds.

COVID Reviews: Patrick O’Hare, Renegades, Kate Kretz, Anthony Sims, Claudia Wieser, Heather Mekkelson, Laura Berman
Art critic Lori Waxman writes 60 word/minute reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the third week of reviews.

A Framework for Making, from a Prospective Ally
The Age of Coronavirus
I'm making a list / to see who's been naughty or nice and / if I wake up tomorrow / I'm on the winning side / of LIFE.

COVID Reviews: M. Carmen Lane, Eli Bornowsky, Rachel Epp Buller, John Salhus, Ellen Rothenberg, Lily Prince
Art critic Lori Waxman writes 60 word/minute reviews for artists whose work was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, Lori reviews M. Carmen Lane, Eli Bornowsky, Rachel Epp Buller, John Salhus, Ellen Rothenberg, and Lily Prince.

Quarantine Comics Day 92 - 97
Quarantine Day 92-97 in the life of artist, Grant Reynolds.

Bruegel in the time of corona
Our world is a messy one; so was Bruegel’s. If Bruegel has anything to teach us in this moment, perhaps it’s that what appears to be disorder from one perspective is coherent at a higher level. If we lose a few of us, we can go on, but each death hits harder than the one before.

All Power to the People: 50 years of struggle for community control over the police
There there has been no fundamental change in power relationships in this country in the past 50 years, since the days of the Panther Party. There are simply now a whole host of blacks in the Democratic Party who administer and manage the mass black incarceration regime that was imposed after the black rebellions - and that includes the activities of the Black Panther Party - of the late 60s.