
By Nick Briz

The work of new media artist Nick Briz celebrates online connectivity often joyfully mis-using digital tools and web platforms to explore the material and market systems that shape our networked lives. To frame today's post in his own words: "i wanna make something that gets folks thinking about how our relationship to "content" (ideas/work/info/etc) online is always mediated by other platforms && how that changes/informs what/how we see online." 

Please enjoy Nick’s clever online exhibition which is, among other things, a playful remembrance of seeing art out in the IRL world.

Nick Briz is an internationally recognized new-media artist, educator and organizer. His work investigates the promises and perils of living in an increasingly digital and networked world. He is an active participant in various online communities and conversations including glitch art, net art, remix culture, digital rights, Internet ecology and digital literacy. He's founder of the NFP, Associate Professor Adjunct at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Creative Technologist at Branger_Briz, a collective of artists, strategists, educators and programmers specializing in conceiving and developing custom innovative digital projects for a wide range of clients.

Twitter: @NBriz 

Instagram: @nbriz 

Nick Briz worked on this piece with Christy LeMaster, the Quarantine Times Friday editor. Each week, Christy selects a Chicagoan to share a commissioned creative response to the pandemic.


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